Our favorite visual guide to building a balanced vegan meal: The Plant Plate
The Plant Plate by Virginia Messina MPH, RD
For a detailed description on how to read the plant plate click here
[Image property of Virginia Messina and TheVeganRD.com]
Vegan friendly doctor directories
A great directory for finding a doctor in your area with experience and understanding of vegan or vegetarian diets. (US only)
Another very complete list of US plant-based doctors by Happy Herbivore
Plant-based registered dietitians who offer in-person or skype consultations
Dietitian Nutritionist Taylor Wolfram MS RDN LDN
Offers great resources and online virtual consultations
Our favorite reference websites for vegan nutrition, supplements, nutrient sources and a kind approach to wellness and health
Great information on supplement and nutrient requirements by registered dietitian Jack Norris RD
Registered Dietitian Virginia Messina MPH, RD
Great articles and resources on vegan nutrition. The creator of The Plant Plate, our favorite visual guide to building a balanced vegan meal