Blogging sites (all shareable by sharing a private password, perfect for buddy journaling)

Apps for journaling on your phone

As you can probably tell, I'm an iPhone user which is why I've tried and know of more apps for this system. I've done a bit of research into some that looked really good for Android, but if you have a favorite that isn't mentioned here, don't hesitate to share it in the comments below! The type of phone and the free apps are marked as such below. Browse several and find the one that you really like and that has all your favorite features.

Penzu - iPhone, Android and Web (FREE!)

My Daily Journal - iPhone (FREE!)

Capture 365 - iPhone

Inkflow Visual Notebook (also has a really fun app for the iPad) - iPhone

Peach (messaging style + allows for sharing) - iPhone and Android

Daily book journal - iPhone (FREE!)

Day One - iPhone and MAC

Journey - Android

(For a great review of top journaling apps for IOS click here)

Apps for journaling on your MAC

Day One - iPhone and MAC

The simplest, right at your fingertips solution for buddy journaling: A food journaling message group

This is probably the simplest option out of all of them, and it has its pros and cons. On the positive side, almost everyone has one of these apps already installed on their phones and they use them daily, which makes everything really simple. All you have to do is start a "GROUP CHAT" with the person you're doing the journaling with (I recommend doing it with only one person), and you share photos of all your meals, how you're feeling and you keep this group only for the food journal. On the negative side it's harder to go back and look at previous entries. However, by clicking the last photo that was sent you can run your finger across the screen and see all the previous ones for a quick glance at how your week has been. This is a great option if all other methods have you posting with very little frequency.

WhatsApp - iPhone and Android

iMessage - iPhone

Line - iPhone and Android


Have you given any of these a try? Let us know how they worked out and which system worked for you. Remember, going old school with pen and paper also works like a charm if you prefer to journal on your own.